Acta Biomater:新型小鼠装载运输技术可帮助眼睛受损者重获光明

2022-01-31 05:43:53 来源:

2012年12月6日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,来自谢菲尔德所大学的学者联合开发显露了一种将蛋白质培养替代疗法应应用于放射治疗耳朵损害(由重大事故或者病因造成的眼部损害)的新标准型系统设计,这似乎可以为了让数以百万计的人们恢复耳朵健康,甚至重新得到尘世,无关分析成果刊登于国际刊物Acta Biomaterialia上。




学者Frederick Claeyssens麻省理工学院透露,可用这种新标准型的衍生物标准型的材料,完全可以抵消群体的安全不确定性,我们应确信可用管壁盘的新标准型替代疗法不仅仅优于当前放射治疗角管壁盲的替代疗法,而且对于群体来讲更是为低廉。无关分析由威康信托等的机构全力支持。


Oncogenesis:揭示维他命A下降癌症蛋白质培养侵袭性机制 JOT:骨髓蛋白质培养Dreamcast对滥用果汁大鼠模标准型骨折肿胀的不良影响 Clin Cancer Res. :在HER2形容词乳腺癌症中的鉴定显露HER2特征性蛋白质培养 PLoS ONE:成功将胰腺蛋白质培养转化为胰岛素造成蛋白质 JAMA:蛋白质培养翻修脑干损害组织起来 更是多信息请双击:有关蛋白质培养更是多信息

Combined microfabrication and electrospinning to produce 3-D architectures for corneal repair.AbstractCorneal stem cell niches are located within the limbus of the eye and are believed to play an important role in corneal regeneration. These niches are often lost in corneal disease or trauma. Our work explores the design of artificial limbal stem cell niches by the fabrication of biodegradable electrospun rings containing bespoke microfeatures. In creating artificial niches, we seek to provide a physically protective environment for limbal cells to act as a cell reservoir for tissue regeneration purposes. This study describes the first step in this challenge to produce structures which structurally approximate to the limbal niches. This was achieved using a combination of electrospinning and microfabrication. Initial microfabricated structures were developed using microstereolithography via a layer-by-layer photocuring approach based on the patterning of photocurable polymers, in this case polyethylene glycol diacrylate. This was then used as a template on which to electrospin a biodegradable membrane of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) 50:50, which incorporates the features of the underlying microfabricated structures. The study describes preliminary evaluation of these constructs using rabbit limbal epithelial and stromal cells.

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